Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hello Blogspot, a bit about why I am here.

Well this is my first blog for blog spot. I'm still not completely sure what it is that I want to write about on here, but a friend of mine suggested I just start blogging about me, and take it from there. My friend Vicki has her own blog, , where she reviews books. Some of my family have suggested that I do the same thing, but I am not very objective when it comes to books. I tend to connect with the characters and get lost in the story, which is why I love reading, but I'm not very good at breaking it down and giving a good review. I also tend to be a bit biased. One of my Favorite authors is Chuck Palahniuk. I own almost all of his books, and will recommend his work, even if I think the story is a bit lacking. Same with Anne rice. Although I do like a wide variety of books, and will read whatever is recommended to me. My cousin, Jen, is constantly handing me books that I ,"Just have to read." I read them and I enjoy most of them although I am more of a horror suspense person, and she is a young adult/ sci-fi person. I read whatever really but I favor horror. I just don't see myself as a reviewer.

I also thought about doing a food blog, but I don't have the finances to eat out all of the time, and I don't want to rip off Julie Powel. I did love Julie and Julia, but I don't want to work my way through a cook book, or feel obligated to eat an abundance of butter, although I do worship Paula Deen.

I guess The best way to start is a bit about me.
I am a twenty seven year old stay at home mom. I have been married to my husband Jeff for almost four years, and our son, Colt, will be three in March. I met my husband in 2007, through a mutual friend. It wasn't LOVE at first sight, but there were lots of sparks! I live in Louisiana, and my husband came here to work after hurricane Katrina, but he is originally from Starkville, Ms. I grew up in St. Bernard Parish, and relocated to Pearl River after the storm. Before I had my son I was a veterinary technician. I loved my job, and once my son starts school I want to go back. Right now I want to spend as much time with him as possible. Once he starts school, I'll feel more comfortable with going to work. I like to draw, paint, sculpt, read, write some, and any recreational activity with my family. I love to learn, and will ask questions to almost anyone about anything. I also like doing research to try to find things out. I have also just discovered the wonders of Cosmo. A friend gave me a subscription for Christmas. They have awesome articles addressing things most women are afraid to ask.
I guess that's all for now, but I'll be back soon. Hopefully with a bit more to say!

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